Free Home Security Surveys In Northampton

Free Home Security Surveys Northampton Featured Image

Did you know that some home insurance providers will insist that you have British Standard Locks installed on your exterior doors? This means that if you don’t have the correct locks fitted, your insurance could be invalid, and your insurer could refuse to pay out in case of a break-in. That’s why we offer free…

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Five Ways To Spot A Rogue Locksmith

Five Ways To Spot A Rogue Locksmith In Northamptonshire Featured Image

Click. The deafening, unmistakable sound of a locked door closing behind you. The second of crystal clear clarity when you realise what’s about to happen but are powerless to prevent it. The uneasy feeling in your stomach of irritation, anguish and inconvenience. What to do next? Many of us fumble for our phone and do…

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